3-3-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8979, JAPAN




East Nippon Expressway Co. Ltd has been actively introducing ICT and mechanization based on promoting close examination from the solution of various problems in the field to ensure long-term road infrastructure “safety and security”.

And by building a comprehensive maintenance system that integrates ICT and mechanization technology with engineers, NEXCO-East Group is promoting the “SMH (Smart Maintenance Highway)” project that will enhance high-level and efficien infrastructure management of the entire Group.

Federated Database Management System using Common API and ucode

Next-generation road maintenance information system (RIMS) developed by NEXCO-East Group is designed with common API(Application Programming Interface) function. It has a highly expandable configuration that facilitates Database federation by providing linkage with other databases and applications.

In addition, RIMS uses ucode as the identifier of road information.